
Chinese Chan and Tea Musical performance was warmly welcomed in Colombo (Asia Pacific Daily)

日期:2017-06-07 16:08:20 浏览次数:1

Chinese Chan and Tea Musical performance was warmly welcomed in Colombo

    The Nelum Pokuna Theater in Colombo, Sri Lanka, was decorated by Vesak colorful lamps in the evening of 22nd May, 2016. The painting and calligraphy works of Chan in the hall of the theater brought the charm of Chinese Buddhism culture. The Chinese original Chan and Tea Musical was held here, the aim is to “Carry forward the Chinese outstanding traditional culture and dedicate the sincere and kindly elegant works”. It is a unique visual and acoustic great show of Meditation Tea art for thousands of the audience, as well as a mind baptism of Chan and Tea art.

   Zhang Xueli, the journalist of Asia Pacific Daily reported from Colombo:The Nelum Pokuna Theater in Colombo, Sri Lanka, was decorated by Vesak colorful lamps in the evening of 22nd. The painting and calligraphy works of Chan in the hall of the theater brought the charm of Chinese Buddhism culture. The Chinese original Chan and Tea Musical was held here, the aim is to “Carry forward the Chinese outstanding traditional culture and dedicate the sincere and kindly elegant works”. It is a unique visual and acoustic great show of Meditation Tea art for thousands of the audience, as well as a mind baptism of Chan and Tea art.

   President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, Executive Secretary of Defense Ministry and Ven. MP. Athuraliye Rathana Thera as well as other top political leaders, accompanied by Chinese ambassador in Sri Lanka, Mr. Yi Xianliang, watched the performance. Together with the representatives from Sri Lankan Buddhism, Chinese organizations in Sri Lanka and oversea Chinese enjoyed this unique concert.

   The concert consisted of four chapters, they are “Spring, Sprouting and Growing, Pleasure of tea”, “Summer, Flourish, Pleasure of Chan meditation”, “Autumn, Harvesting, Sharing”and“Winter, Storing and emptiness, Oneness of Chan and tea”, which integrated Eastern and Western artistic characters, combined with Chan poems, tea ceremony, music, opera, dance and melodrama. It expressed the Chinese outstanding Chan Culture, Tea Culture, and art essence of traditional culture throughout the musical, and all the audience attracted by the performance deeply.

   With the melodious Sri Lanka Buddhist music, the Sri Lankan artists performed the unique local Buddhist dance, and then the concert opened in the chanting sutra by Venerable Mingsi. Chan meditation and tea ceremony goes through the musical, light incense, boil the water and clean the tea pot, wash tea leaves and make tea. The tea practitioners’natural and smooth movements attracted all the audiences. The Chan poems and verses wrote by Ven. Ren Da, abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery in Shangdong Province, expressed the Buddhist wisdom and the mind and body were purified through the various ways like singing, chanting and reciting. The Chan dance with hardness and softness won the continuous applause.

   After the show, President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena highly praised the performance. He said the audience appreciated the grand and outstanding Chinese Culture including the art essence of Buddhist culture, and the artists from Sir Lanka and China bought together a wonderful art show for the audiences. He also indicated that Sri Lanka and China keep the continuous close friendly relationship, and wish that more Chinese cultural performances can be held in Sir Lanka in the future, and make contributions for the long-lasting conventional friendship between two countries.

   Most of the Sri Lankans believe in Buddhism, so it is honoured as“Land of Buddhism”. The local audience Pushpa is a devoted Buddhist, she was still immersed in the attractive performance and keep on talking with the Chinese staffs of this musical. She said that this is her first time to see the Chinese Chan and Tea Performance and she was so much touched. The two countries have similarities in Chan and Tea, while also have their own characteristics, today’s performance made her feel warm and closer to China.

   This musical was co-organized by Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Sadaham Sevana of Sri Lanka and Sevalanka foundation. According to representative of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, “Chan and Tea Musical” passed the audit of Chinese Ministry of Culture in April 2014, and was selected as the work of Recommended Chinese Culture Industrial Project. It has been successfully held for seven times in many cities of China so far.





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