
The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and Photovoltaic Trip” meet in the happiest country-Bhutan

日期:2017-08-09 15:50:02 浏览次数:2


The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and Photovoltaic Trip” team attending Buddhism Inheritance and Innovation Conference

   应不丹僧伽联合体(Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body)和不丹学研究及国民幸福指数研究中心(Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research)的邀请,2016年7月1日至3日,“一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”一行8人,出席在不丹首都廷布举办的首届“佛教传承与创新大会”,并在大会发表《可持续发展的博山正觉寺》的特色演讲(禅修茶道&太阳能应用——心灵·环境双环保),同时为来自世界各地的500多名法师、官员、佛教研究者、学者献上了中华优秀的禅修茶道展演。
Invited by Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body and Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research, an eight people “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and Photovoltaic Trip” team attended the first Buddhism Inheritance and Innovation conference in Thimphu, capital of Bhutan from July 1st to 3rd, 2016. The team gave a special talk on “Sustainable Development of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery” emphasized on utilizing Chan Tea and photovoltaic solar energy - for the environmental and psychological protection. At the same time, an performance of Chan Tea was offered to five hundred audiences, including masters, government officials, scholars, and researchers of Buddhism.

Wonderful Chan Tea performance debuted at first Buddhism Inheritance and Innovation Conference in Bhutan

   展演结束后,“一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”向不丹僧伽联合体(Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body)、不丹学研究及国民幸福指数研究中心(Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research)、不丹尼众基金会(Bhutan Nuns Foundation)以及不丹国家档案馆捐赠了太阳能节能神灯。“一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”犹如一股清新的空气,令在场观众耳目一新,产生心灵的共鸣,赞叹很优雅、很安静。一位巴西学者感动流泪,上前咨询,希望学习我们的禅修茶道。
After the performance, “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team donated solar lamps to Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body, Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research, Bhutan Nuns Foundation and National Archives of Bhutan. Like a refreshing breeze, “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team revived the mind of audience with grace and peace. Tears in eyes, a Brazilian scholar expressed his wish to learn Chan Tea.

Donation of solar lamps to Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body,
Centre of Bhutan Studies & GNH Research,
Bhutan Nuns Foundation and National Archives of Bhutan.

“一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”团队成员在大会现场合影 “
The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team at the conference

   “一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”团队还受邀参访了不丹僧伽联合体总部(Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body)、德钦寺(Dechenphodrang Monastic School),参访了燃灯古佛舍利塔、虎穴寺、马头观音古寺、露天大佛圣像等名胜。
Invited by Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body and Dechenphodrang Monastic School , “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team visited and worshipped the pagoda of Dīpankara Buddha’s relics, Paro Taktsang, Tango Monastery,Buddha Dordenma Statue

“The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team at Dechenphodrang Monastic School ( second to the right in the back row: Abbot. Khenpo Rinchen)

Visiting Centre of Bhutan Monastic Body

Paro Taktsang

    大家感受到了不丹淳朴的民风,义工们彬彬有礼。不丹注重物质和精神的平衡发展,将环境保护和传统文化的保护置于经济发展之上,衡量发展的标准是国民幸福总值(Gross National Happiness,GNH)。不丹创造性地提出了由政府善治、经济增长、文化发展和环境保护四级组成的国民幸福总值指标。实行环保优先的发展道路,在发展经济的同时很好地保护环境。“一带一路·禅修茶道光伏行”心灵和环境双环保的可持续发展理念与这次不丹佛教传承与创新大会非常契机,也是大家踊跃交流的话题。
The honest and warm-hearted Bhutan people and the courteous volunteers impressed “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team. Bhutan focuses on keeping the balance between material and spiritual development. It prioritizes protection of environment and traditional culture before economical development. It uses Gross National Happiness (GNH) as the index of development. The GNH was coined by Bhutan government and consisted of four pillars: establishment of good governance, sustainable development of economy, preservation and promotion of cultural values, and conservation of the natural environment. The government preserves environment while develop economy. The idea of environmental and psychological protection to achieve sustainable development of “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team shares same ground and was actively discussed in the conference.





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