
[Reprint] Fragrance of Chan and Tea widely spreaded in Colombo; President of Sri Lanka gave a like (Ta Kung Pao)

[Reprint] Fragrance of Chan and Tea widely spreaded in Colombo; President of Sri Lanka gave a like (Ta Kung Pao)


日期:2017-06-07 16:32:42 浏览次数:1
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Chinese Chan and Tea Musical performance was warmly welcomed in Colombo (Asia Pacific Daily)

Chinese Chan and Tea Musical performance was warmly welcomed in Colombo (Asia Pacific Daily)

中国禅茶音乐会在科伦坡演出引轰动(亚太日报) Chinese Chan and Tea Musical performance was warmly welcomed in Colombo 22日晚,斯里兰卡科伦坡国家大剧院被卫塞节彩灯装饰一新,剧院大厅内布置的禅宗书画作品使这个盛大佛教节日平添许多中国佛教文化韵味。以“弘扬中华优秀传统文化,奉献真诚善良典雅作品”为宗旨,中华原创禅茶音乐会当晚在此间举行,千余名观众既欣赏了别具风格的佛教及茶道艺术的视听盛宴,又感受到了禅茶艺术带来的心灵洗礼。 The Nelum Pokuna Theater in Colombo, Sri Lanka, was decorated by Vesak colorful lamps in the evening of 22nd May, 2016. The painting and calligraphy works of Chan in the hall of the theater brought the charm of Chinese Buddhism culture. The Chinese original Chan and Tea Musical was held here, the aim is to “Carry forward the Chinese outstanding traditional culture and dedicate the sincere and kindly elegant works”. It is a unique visual and acoustic great show of Meditation Tea art for thousands of the audience, as well as a mind baptism of Chan and Tea art. 亚太日报记者张学丽发自科伦坡:5月22日晚,斯里兰卡科伦坡国家大剧院被卫塞节彩灯装饰一新,剧院大厅内布置的禅宗书画作品使这个盛大佛教节日平添许多中国佛教文化韵味。以“弘扬中华优秀传统文化,奉献真诚善良典雅作品”为宗旨,中华原创禅茶音乐会当晚在此间举行,千余名观众既欣赏了别具风格的佛教及茶道艺术的视听盛宴,又感受到了禅茶艺术带来的心灵洗礼。 Zhang Xueli, the journalist of Asia Pacific Daily reported from Colombo:The Nelum Pokuna Theater in Colombo, Sri Lanka, was decorated by Vesak colorful lamps in the evening of 22nd. The painting and calligraphy works of Chan in the hall of the theater brought the charm of Chinese Buddhism culture. The Chinese original Chan and Tea Musical was held here, the aim is to “Carry forward the Chinese outstanding traditional culture and dedicate the sincere and kindly elegant works”. It is a unique visual and acoustic great show of Meditation Tea art for thousands of the audience, as well as a mind baptism of Chan and Tea art. 中国驻斯里兰卡大使易先良陪同斯总统西里塞纳、总理维克勒马辛哈、国防部常秘赫迪阿拉奇和拉塔纳议员长老等政界高层观看了演出,斯里兰卡佛教及各界代表,以及驻斯中资机构和华侨华人代表等也观看了这场独具特色的音乐会。 President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, Executive Secretary of Defense Ministry and Ven. MP. Athuraliye Rathana Thera as well as other top political leaders, accompanied by Chinese ambassador in Sri Lanka, Mr. Yi Xianliang, watched the performance. Together with the representatives from Sri Lankan Buddhism, Chinese organizations in Sri Lanka and oversea Chinese enjoyed this unique concert. 音乐会分为《春·萌发生长·茶趣》、《夏·枝繁叶茂·禅悦》、《秋·收获吉祥·分享》、《冬·含藏空灵·一味》四个篇章,融合了东西方的艺术特色,结合禅诗、茶道、音乐、戏曲、舞蹈、情景剧等多种表现形式,自始至终体现了中华优秀的禅文化、茶文化和传统文化艺术精髓,令全场观众如痴如醉。 The concert consisted of four chapters, they are “Spring, Sprouting and Growing, Pleasure of tea”, “Summer, Flourish, Pleasure of Chan meditation”, “Autumn, Harvesting, Sharing”and“Winter, Storing and emptiness, Oneness of Chan and tea”, which integrated Eastern and Western artistic characters, combined with Chan poems, tea ceremony, music, opera, dance and melodrama. It expressed the Chinese outstanding Chan Culture, Tea Culture, and art essence of traditional culture throughout the musical, and all the audience attracted by the performance deeply. 伴随着深沉悠扬的斯里兰卡佛教音乐,斯艺术家们表演了独具当地风格的当地佛教舞蹈,随后音乐会在名斯长老的诵经吟唱中拉开了帷幕。禅修茶道表演贯穿全场,燃灯焚香、洗杯烫盏、洗茶泡茶,禅茶师们行云流水般的动作令观众目不转睛;山东博山正觉寺仁炟法师的禅诗偈语通过演唱、吟诵等多元化表现形式,传递了佛教智慧,净化身心;舞蹈家们刚柔并济、充满禅意的舞姿,赢得了观众阵阵掌声。 With the melodious Sri Lanka Buddhist music, the Sri Lankan artists performed the unique local Buddhist dance, and then the concert opened in the chanting sutra by Venerable Mingsi. Chan meditation and tea ceremony goes through the musical, light incense, boil the water and clean the tea pot, wash tea leaves and make tea. The tea practitioners’natural and smooth movements attracted all the audiences. The Chan poems and verses wrote by Ven. Ren Da, abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery in Shangdong Province, expressed the Buddhist wisdom and the mind and body were purified through the various ways like singing, chanting and reciting. The Chan dance with hardness and softness won the continuous applause. 演出结束后,斯总统西里塞纳对亚太日报记者表示对今天的演出赞叹不已。他说,中国佛教艺术家的精彩表演,使当地观众领略到了博大精深的中华文化包括佛教文化艺术的精髓,而斯中两国艺术家精彩的同台表演更为被誉为佛国的斯里兰卡观众奉献了一场精妙的艺术盛宴。他还表示,斯中两国一直保持着亲密的友好关系,希望今后能够在斯里兰卡看到更多中国文化文艺演出,为有着悠久历史的两国传统友好关系添彩。 After the show, President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena highly praised the performance. He said the audience appreciated the grand and outstanding Chinese Culture including the art essence of Buddhist culture, and the artists from Sir Lanka and China bought together a wonderful art show for the audiences. He also indicated that Sri Lanka and China keep the continuous close friendly relationship, and wish that more Chinese cultural performances can be held in Sir Lanka in the future, and make contributions for the long-lasting conventional friendship between two countries. 斯里兰卡民众绝大部分信奉佛教,被誉为“佛国”。当地观众普什帕是一名虔诚的佛教徒,演出结束后她还意犹未尽,与音乐会中方工作人员不停地交谈。她说,这是她第一次观看中国禅茶表演,感觉十分震撼。两国在禅茶文化方面既有相通之处,又各有特色,今天的演出让人感觉与中国关系更加亲近,倍感亲切。 Most of the Sri Lankans believe in Buddhism, so it is honoured as“Land of Buddhism”. The local audience Pushpa is a devoted Buddhist, she was still immersed in the attractive performance and keep on talking with the Chinese staffs of this musical. She said that this is her first time to see the Chinese Chan and Tea Performance and she was so much touched. The two countries have similarities in Chan and Tea, while also have their own characteristics, today’s performance made her feel warm and closer to China. 此次音乐会由中国山东省博山正觉寺、斯里兰卡佛教智慧之伞及斯里兰卡服务基金会联合举办。据正觉寺负责人介绍,2014年4月,“中华原创禅茶音乐会”通过国家文化部审核,入选中国文化产业重点项目库,至今已在中国国内多个城市成功举办七场演出。 This musical was co-organized by Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Sadaham Sevana of Sri Lanka and Sevalanka foundation. According to representative of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, “Chan and Tea Musical” passed the audit of Chinese Ministry of Culture in April 2014, and was selected as the work of Recommended Chinese Culture Industrial Project. It has been successfully held for seven times in many cities of China so far. 她第一次观看中国禅茶表演,感觉十分震撼。两国在禅茶文化方面既有相通之处,又各有特色,今天的演出让人感觉与中国关系更加亲近,倍感亲切。

日期:2017-06-07 16:08:20 浏览次数:1
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日期:2017-02-16 09:14:16 浏览次数:2
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日期:2017-02-16 09:14:16 浏览次数:1
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